21 June 2011

BuyWithMe - ANOTHER Daily Deal Site

I know - could I post any more about SPENDING money instead of saving?  It seems like that is all I am doing.  But this is still getting GREAT deals on things you might already be doing!  Here is my post from a few months back about YipIt - which helps aggregate all of your Daily Deal sites so you don't get overwhelmed from about 10 emails a day!

But I thought BuyWithMe deserved a special post!  Is it because I felt inspired after buying the daily deal for the DC area that involves 6 glasses of wine and 12 cupcakes for $17?  MAYBE.
But, what is EXTRA cool about this site, is that on your first purchase, you GET $5 credit towards your next purchase!  And, like Living Social, if you get 3 friends to buy the same deal, yours is free!

My best friend is getting married in a few months, and as the Maid of Honor - I am in charge of the bachelorette activities!  So I've been thinking about a day of wine tasting for awhile now, but just hadn't "pulled the trigger."  But that's where BuyWithMe came in.  My BFF actually saw this deal today and called me about it and we bought it ASAP.  So at $17 a piece for wine tasting and cupcakes , that is a steal. BUT when all the other guests buy through my referral link, I will get mine free - which will even bring our average price down MORE.  I love DEALS!  (Have you noticed?)  Sites like these are especially great when you are tasked with planning a big group activity!  Isn't that what summers are for?

AND you can even get cash back on your purchases, through one of a few of these sites!

This is the picture to describe what we will be doing in a few weekends!  Yes please!

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