23 June 2011

Harris Teeter 6/22 (Late Night!) Adventure

Is it HARRIS TEETER SUPER DOUBLE COUPON TIME AGAIN?!  Um, as you can tell from my excessive use of CAPS...the answer is obviously YES. :)

You can see all of my previous adventures to know what I am talking about, what I have gotten for free in the past, and where I find all of the deals.

Last night I realized my dedication/sickness to getting free stuff, and my love of these coupon events.  I had a softball game (I'm the coach of the team at work, we are 4-0 - BOOM). It was about 95 degrees, and after we sweated a lot, won, had pizza and I got in my car, it was about 10:00pm.  Everyone mocked me (per the usual!) that I was going to Harris Teeter at 10:00p.m.  I told them that I don't mess around!  It was time to get serious.  I had to quickly stop at home to collect a few more coupons that I had asked my BFF to cut out, and then I was off!

Here was the stuff that I got for COMPLETELY free!

Roll of paper towels, flavored sour cream, guacamole (yes!), 8ct of bandages, some kids yogurt that I will pawn off on someone else, 4 tide travel packs (free 4 loads of laundry!)
I got other things too for great deals, like SmartBalance Milk - priced at $4, but had a $1.50 coupon that doubled up to $3 - so the milk was only $1!  The same goes for some Laughing Cow cheese that I've recently tried to incorporate into every meal.  I didn't take a picture of all of those goods because by the time I got home at 11:00pm, I was wiped out and basically went straight to bed!

But P.S. - going to the store that late at night is awesome because you basically have the whole place to yourself.  The only other people in the aisles were HT workers restocking.

So go home tonight, collect your coupons, and head to Harris Teeter for a GREAT adventure.  As always, I would love to hear about your deals!

21 June 2011

BuyWithMe - ANOTHER Daily Deal Site

I know - could I post any more about SPENDING money instead of saving?  It seems like that is all I am doing.  But this is still getting GREAT deals on things you might already be doing!  Here is my post from a few months back about YipIt - which helps aggregate all of your Daily Deal sites so you don't get overwhelmed from about 10 emails a day!

But I thought BuyWithMe deserved a special post!  Is it because I felt inspired after buying the daily deal for the DC area that involves 6 glasses of wine and 12 cupcakes for $17?  MAYBE.
But, what is EXTRA cool about this site, is that on your first purchase, you GET $5 credit towards your next purchase!  And, like Living Social, if you get 3 friends to buy the same deal, yours is free!

My best friend is getting married in a few months, and as the Maid of Honor - I am in charge of the bachelorette activities!  So I've been thinking about a day of wine tasting for awhile now, but just hadn't "pulled the trigger."  But that's where BuyWithMe came in.  My BFF actually saw this deal today and called me about it and we bought it ASAP.  So at $17 a piece for wine tasting and cupcakes , that is a steal. BUT when all the other guests buy through my referral link, I will get mine free - which will even bring our average price down MORE.  I love DEALS!  (Have you noticed?)  Sites like these are especially great when you are tasked with planning a big group activity!  Isn't that what summers are for?

AND you can even get cash back on your purchases, through one of a few of these sites!

This is the picture to describe what we will be doing in a few weekends!  Yes please!

15 June 2011

tiny baby hoots

As I've mentioned before, I named my blog based on the Hootsuite Owl Logo.  
I love him.  (And holy cow, while searching for that image, I found a whole slew of Hoot-esque pics: http://blog.hootsuite.com/media/owly-family/

So when I saw this on Etsy, I had to have it.  It has now found a permanent spot around my neck.

The best part - his name, on the Etsy listing was "tiny baby hoots" - AH!

And in case you didn't see Carly's post yesterday about Heartsy ( a groupon site for Etsy ) - check it out!

14 June 2011

Heartsy! A Groupon site for Etsy stuff? Can it BE?!

Celebrity Guest Post - Future Sister-In-Law: Carly!

Hi everyone! I’m Carly, Christie’s soon-to-be-sister in law! Even though Christie and I aren’t officially related yet, I can definitely say that I share the same family love (obsession?) for finding great deals. I also love www.Etsy.com (don't we all?). Seriously I could (and do) spend hours browsing all the cute handmade stores. Etsy has especially helped out during the planning of our wedding- everything from my veil, to personalized stamps for our favor bags, to bridesmaid gifts (sshh, don’t tell Christie). It is a great place to buy yourself, or a loved one, something really cute and original.

So imagine my delight when I found out about www.Heartsy.me a website that is like Groupon for Etsy.

Every day they email their members with about five great deals that you can purchase for a discounted price. For example, you might be able to buy a $40 gift certificate to a jewelry shop for $12. The deals are really good, and the shops always vary. Often they will include deals on stationary, soaps, baby items, jewelry, artwork, and clothing. Plus, you can refer friends and get $5 credit when they make their first purchase, which you can then use to buy your own deals, making them even cheaper! Win- win-win.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and get $5 towards your first purchase!

Happy shopping!

This is Christie posting now.  If you want to see other posts by Carly, you can see some on my dear friend Shannon's site:  The Scribble Pad.  And I assumed you would want to see a precious pic of me and Carly!  Sassy!)
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