19 May 2011

Harris Teeter 5/18 Adventure - TRIPLE the fun.

So as you may have heard (from my hoots and hollers!), it is Harris Teeter Triple Coupons right now!  So I did some planning, made my list, and organized my coupons (as you can see below) and headed out, after a long day of counting down the hours!  And if you are thinking, "wow, this girl is insane" -- I agree, and am aware.  Look how thick my stack of coupons was!

As you may have read in the Harris Teeter Coupon Policy, you are only allowed 20 coupons per day, per card.  That would just not do with the load I was planning to take home.  So I borrowed my trusty friend's Harris Teeter Card (again, yes, I know how insane this sounds) and headed off.  Brace yourself, this is epic.  These are all of the items that I got for FREE!
4 Uncle Ben's Rice Boxes, 2 Tylenol Precise Heat  Pads, 8 Athenos Greek Yogurts, 4 Wasa Cracker Boxes, 4 Tetley Tea Boxes, 3 French's Honey Mustard Dipping Sauces, 2 canisters of Prunes, 4 Frank's Red Hot Sauces, 4 Coffee Creamers, 2 Nescafe Instant Coffees, 1 jar of Worcestershire sauce, 1 thing of Cinnamon, 1 travel size band-aid package and 1 bag of yellow saffron rice!  
I felt this side didn't get enough glory in the group post.  Look at all that sauce!
This is an insane amount of...everything.  Luckily, most of it is non-perishable, so I will give/force it upon friends, use it, or save it for a food drive!  And my roommate or I will actually use most of this stuff.  Probably not 4 bottles of hot sauce immediately...but maybe eventually?

Here are the items that I actually paid for (but had coupons - of course!)

A lot of people probably think this took me hours - it did not!  With my list, I was in and out of there in about 1 hour.  Well worth the time!

My cashier was a real stickler, she checked that every coupon was valid (which it was), but she was extremely helpful and didn't mind when I asked to do two separate transactions.  As you can see below, I saved nearly the identical amounts on both transactions.
I got over $108 worth of groceries for $15!  Incredible.  I can't wait for the next TRIPLE COUPON event, even if I have to wait another year.  I would love to hear about your trips!  I always love finding other deals people have found...even if it would make me want to go back again today.  Luckily (to save me from full on crazy), I fly back home to Indiana tonight for wedding 2/6...so another trip isn't possible :)

Now...anyone need some honey mustard dipping sauce?


  1. You've inspired me! As for the hot sauce, I'm told the guys overseas would love them so if you hear of anyone collecting to send goodies to the Middle East, they would certainly appreciate it!

  2. Printing off my coupons and hitting up Harris Teeter tonight!! :)

  3. Donating to the military is a great way to use some of the stockpile! My roommate and I have sent coupons overseas too - as they can use them. Thanks for the suggestion E! :)

  4. Love the way u write - nice - enjoyed the post!

    Check out my teeter trip - it was fun!


  5. I am so impressed. Nicely done!!!


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