24 March 2011

Harris Teeter 3/24 Adventure

As I already posted today, Harris Teeter is hosting SUPER DOUBLES right now.  So I headed off today, full of my stack of coupons for all of the free items I wanted to get.  The picture below is all of the stuff I got for FREE!  It's almost sad how excited I got for this.  I called my mom to tell her about it the minute I pulled out of the parking garage.
How good is Wholly Guacamole?  And no, I don't have a cat, but I know plenty of folks that do, so I will just give them a little treat.  The best part is I will actually use most of this stuff - paper towels, bandaids, gum, dish soap, etc!

My bill went from over $40 to $4.78!  Look at the bottom - coupons tendered - $38.81!

So yes, I did what some might consider "a lot" of work to hunt down all of these coupons (in actuality, I maybe spent 30 minutes total collecting and cutting coupons).

BUT, I'm going to show you how a "normal" grocery shopper can capitalize on this awesome Super Double event. I knew I needed some frozen meals for lunch, so I had $1.00 off coupons (that doubled up to $2.00 each) from a Safeway book for each of the meals below.  They were each priced at about $3.50 each, so $2.00 off is a great deal.  This is a perfect example of how even simple couponing for things you are ALREADY going to buy, can save you tons of money.  So just those 3 coupons saved me $6.00 in one day!
Ok, I couldn't wait for lunch, I just ate one of the pizzas for dinner!
You have 5 more days for this great deal!  So look for any "high value" coupons ($1.00 or $1.50) and use those during this event, because they won't be doubled for long!  And of course, in the coming posts, I will explain how and where to find all of these coupons!

Check out The Coupon Challenge for where I found most of my free deals!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I also went to Harris Teeter last night and got some great deals on things I needed - double coupon for contact solution? Check. Double coupon for Aleve? Check! Double coupon for cereal? Check! And the list goes on. I love that you're saving me money on things I actually need and was going to buy anyway! Keep the advice coming!


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