06 April 2011

Couponing 101: Internet Coupons and The Coupon Printer

Now a lot of people don't know this, but you can print TONS of coupons off the internet.  It's true!  But before you start printing off your coupons, most sites require you to have the Coupon Printer.  You will see a window like the one below when it asks you to install it, just follow the easy instructions and you will be all set to go.

Now my work blocks adding new programs.  Did I call the Help Desk to have them come up and install this on my computer?  Why yes I did.  I've had it for years, and it's awesome.

Now the main places to print coupons on the internet are: 


I would recommend scanning these sites every so often, and definitely before your trip to the grocery store, to print off the coupons that you want to use.  

Here is my routine before I go to the grocery store:

1. Check the ads while making a list.
2. Check Smartsource.com and print any relevant coupons.
3. For any other brand named items, google for coupons.  You would be surprised how often a google search of "Jimmy Dean coupon" will send you to their website with a coupon on it.
4. Go through my coupon holder to pull out any other coupons I've cut out from my Sunday paper that I want to use on this trip.
5. Lastly I mark all items with a *star* that I have coupons for on my list.  I have forgotten to use one way to many times!

Beware - sometimes cashiers will be surly (don't worry, I have a post on dealing with them coming up) and say that you "can't used photocopied coupons."  Just assure them that you printed it off your computer today, and that it is not copied.  Just starting to print coupons off your computer will begin to save you tons of money.

And try and be green, use scrap paper to print all of your money saving coupons!

1 comment:

  1. Always try to reuse paper and save scraps while printing coupons. Great post!

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