29 April 2011

Harris Teeter 4/29 Adventure

I apologize for my friends out there who don't live near a Harris Teeter.  Considering moving here so we can hang out and shop together?

Wow.  Just take it in.  I got all of the stuff in the picture ABSOLUTELY FREEEEEEEEEEEE!  Thank you Harris Teeter Super Double Coupon Event!

2 jugs of syrup, 2 rolls of paper towels, 4 pre-made pasta noodles, 4 half gallons of milk, 6 jars of pasta sauce, 1 salad toppings kit, 1 spool of floss, 1 bag of cat treats and 1 can of cat food!

I had the HUGE help of my BFF...and her VIC Card.  You can only use 20 coupons a day per card, and we had more than that!  Keep in mind, we bought regular groceries too (we aren't psychos who only eat pasta, cat food and syrup - ha).  These are just the ones that I separated out, masterfully arranged, and took a picture of like a crazy person.  Unlike some of the trips I make, we will actually use ALL of this stuff.  No, we probably can't drink all that milk by ourselves, so I am going to bring one to work to share with coworkers, my BFF is going to give one to her fiancee - see - pay it forward and don't be a hoarder! (I might have to trademark that phrase!)

You can find most of the deals and coupons I used here from these amazing women that do all the work for me:

And if you are following along with my Couponing 101 - you can see why it's a must to have the Coupon Printer and to save your Sunday papers for events just like this.

I would love to hear about your success stories!  Leave a comment and make my day!

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